Tools ===== Some potentially useful scripts can be found in the /tools folder: ---------------- Download data from API. Usage:: $ tools/ [--api API] [-vq] [--data DATA] * ``--api `` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: `http://localhost:8000`) * ``-v`` `(optional)`: Print debug information * ``-q`` `(optional)`: Only print warnings * ``--data `` `(optional)`: Set the output data folder (default: data subfolder in the working copy) This will create several files (browsers.json, versions.json, etc.) that represent the API resources without pagination. ------------- Import features from MDN, or reparse imported features. Usage:: $ tools/ [--api API] [--user USER] [-vq] * ``--api `` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: ``http://localhost:8000``) * ``--user `` `(optional)`: Set the username to use on the API (default: prompt for username) * ``-v`` `(optional)`: Print debug information * ``-q`` `(optional)`: Only print warnings ----------------- Import specification data from MDN's SpecName_ and Spec2_. Usage:: $ tools/ [--api ] [--user ] [-vq] [--all-data] * ``--api `` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: ``http://localhost:8000``) * ``--user `` `(optional)`: Set the username to use on the API (default: prompt for username) * ``-v`` `(optional)`: Print debug information * ``-q`` `(optional)`: Only print warnings ---------------------- Initialize with compatibility data from the WebPlatform_ project. Usage:: $ tools/ [--api ] [--user ] [-vq] [--all-data] * ``--api `` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: ``http://localhost:8000``) * ``--user `` `(optional)`: Set the username to use on the API (default: prompt for username) * ``-v`` `(optional)`: Print debug information * ``-q`` `(optional)`: Only print warnings * ``--all-data`` `(optional)`: Import all data, rather than a subset -------------------- Make documentation/integration requests against an API. Used by tools/ Usage:: $ tools/ [--mode {display,generate,verify}] [--api API] [--raw RAW] [--cases CASES] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--include-mod] [-vq] [case name [case name ...]] * ``--mode {display,generate,verify}`` `(optional)`: Set the mode. Values are: * ``display`` (default): Run GET requests against an API, printing the actual requests and responses. * ``generate``: Run all requests against an API. Throw away some headers, such as ``Allow`` and ``Server``. Modify other headers, such as ``Cookies``, to make them consistent from run to run. Standardize some response data, such as creation and modification times. Store the cleaned-up requests and responses in the docs folder, for documentation and integration testing. * ``verify``: Run all requests against an API, standardizing the requests and responses and comparing them to those in the docs folder. * ``--api API`` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: ``http://localhost:8000``) * ``--raw RAW`` `(optional)`: Set the path to the folder containing raw requests and responses (default: ``docs/raw``) * ``--cases CASES`` `(optional)`: Set the path to the documentation cases JSON file (default ``docs/doc_cases.json``) * ``--user USER``: Set the username to use for requests (default anonymous requests) * ``--password PASSWORD``: Set the password to use for requests (default is prompt if ``--user`` set, otherwise use anonymous requests) * ``--include-mod``: If ``--mode display``, then include requests that would modify the data, such as ``POST``, ``PUT``, and ``DELETE``. * ``-v``: Be more verbose * ``-q``: Be quieter * ``case name``: Run the listed cases, not the full suite of cases ---------------------- Create and update API features for MDN pages. This will create the branch features, and then can be used to generate the leaf features. Usage:: $ tools/ [--api API] [--data DATA] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] * ``--api API`` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: ``http://localhost:8000``) * ``--user USER``: Set the username to use for requests (default is prompt for username) * ``--password PASSWORD``: Set the password to use for requests (default is prompt for username) * ``--data DATA``: Set the data folder for caching MDN page JSON ------------------------ Run a local API server with known data, make requests against it, and look for issues in the response. Usage:: $ tools/ [-ghqv] * ``-g``: Generate documentation / integration test samples. If omitted, then responses are checked against the documentation samples. Useful for adding new documentation cases, or updating when the API changes. * ``-h``: Show a usage statement * ``-q``: Show less output * ``-v``: Show more output ------------- Load random pages from MDN in your browser. Usage:: $ tools/ -------------- Upload data to the API. Usage:: $ tools/ [--api API] [--user USER] [-vq] [--data DATA] * ``--api `` `(optional)`: Set the base URL of the API (default: ``http://localhost:8000``) * ``--user `` `(optional)`: Set the username to use on the API (default: prompt for username) * ``-v`` `(optional)`: Print debug information * ``-q`` `(optional)`: Only print warnings * ``--data `` `(optional)`: Set the output data folder (default: data subfolder in the working copy) This will load the local resources from files (browsers.json, versions.json, etc), download the resources from the API, and upload the changes to make the API match the local resource files. .. _SpecName: .. _Spec2: .. _WebPlatform: