Entrypoints ----------- The v1 API can be found at https://browsercompat.herokuapp.com/api/v1/. It includes a browsable API to ease application development. The API supports two representations: ``application/vnd.api+json`` *(default)* JSON mostly conforming to the `JSON API`_ RC1 specification. ``text/html`` the Django REST Framework browsable API. The API supports user accounts with Persona_ authentication. A developer-centered website is available at https://browserscompat.herokuapp.com/. This site includes a `data browser`_ and an importer_ for scraping data from MDN_. .. _`JSON API`: http://jsonapi.org .. _`Django REST Framework browsable API`: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/browsable-api .. _Persona: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/ .. _`data browser`: https://browsercompat.herokuapp.com/browse .. _importer: https://browsercompat.herokuapp.com/importer .. _MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org